- 本年度原排定全校停電日期為114年2月23日(星期日),因故調整至114年7月6日(星期日),其餘分區停電日期不變。
- 調整後之本年度第1、2、3、4次停電日期、時間及範圍,請詳附表「國立成功大學114年度高壓電力設備停電檢驗、維護保養工作計畫表」。當日若檢驗維護項目提前或延後完成,將配合提前或延後送電,不再另行通知。
- 停電檢驗期間各單位如有廠商配合施工,務必請事先通知營繕組吳孟儒先生(分機50633),以防意外發生。停電當日請關閉電梯,並禁止人員搭乘。
- 停電前請各單位先行將設備關機,以免復電時造成損害;復電後請自行派員巡視單位內部供電是否正常。復電後有相關問題,請聯絡69KV高壓值班室電話:63066、63060。
- 停電當天請各單位派員配合門禁開門以利各變電站廠商保養施做。停電期間人員車輛如需進出,請於停電前將出入口鐵捲門、電鎖、電動門開啟,以防停電期間人員、車輛出入困難。停電期間門禁將失效,請各單位自行提前因應。
- 計算機與網路中心請注意各校區機房停電造成網路中斷影響。
- 位於各校區提款機請經營管理組轉所屬郵局、銀行自行派員,處理停復電事宜。
- 所屬單位及學生若有活動於停電日舉行者,應提早規劃因應措施或另擇期舉辦。
國立成功大學 總務處營繕組 吳孟儒技士
EMAIL: z11307002@ncku.edu.tw
To facilitate the annual inspection and maintenance of the school-wide electrical equipment, power outages will be implemented in different campus zones. The originally scheduled power outage dates have been adjusted for certain reasons. During the outage, we kindly request cooperation from all units as outlined below. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- The originally scheduled school-wide power outage for this year was set for February 23, 2025 (Sunday), but has been adjusted to July 6, 2025 (Sunday). The sectional power outage dates remain unchanged.
- Please refer to the attached document (National Cheng Kung University 2025 High-Voltage Power Equipment Outage Inspection and Maintenance Plan) for the adjusted date, time and area of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th outages of this year. If the inspection and maintenance tasks are completed earlier or later on the scheduled day, power restoration will be adjusted accordingly, and no separate notifications will be issued.
- Please inform Mr. Wu (ext. 50633) in advance if there is any construction work during the power outage to prevent accidents. On the day of power outage, please close the elevator and prohibit people from riding it.
- Before the power outage, please shut down the equipment to avoid damage when the power is restored; after the power is restored, please assign personnel to inspect whether the internal power supply is normal. If you have any questions after the power is restored, please contact the 69KV high voltage duty room at 63066 or 63060.
- On the day of the power outage, please assign staff to assist with gate opening to facilitate the maintenance work of each substation. Prior to the outage, please ensure the steel roller doors, electric locks and electric doors are open to prevent difficulty entering or exiting during the power outage. During the power outage, access control will be unavailable, so please plan accordingly.
- The Computer and Network Center should be aware of the impact of network disruptions caused by power outages in the server rooms on each campus.
- About the ATMs located on each campus, the Management Service Division should inform the post office, bank and other off-campus tenant units to assign their own staff to deal with the power outage and restoration.
- If any events or activities are scheduled on the day of the power outage, please plan alternative arrangements in advance or reschedule them for another date.